NAMI Orange County

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Become an Advocate!

There are so many gaps in mental health services, stigma, and the profound need for more education for mental health consumers, their families, legislators - and health care providers!  NAMI asks that YOU contribute any any way that you can to help advocate to improve the services we need for ourselves and our loved ones.

You can help in so many ways.  If you have been helped by NAMI, have attended our 12 Week Family-to-Family Class or monthly program and support meetings, received helpful literature or called our Helpline, please consider one of the NAMI volunteers listed on our "Contact Us" page to help us further our mission of support, education and advocacy.
Your help is greatly appreciated!

Contact Orange County Government

Find out more about the state and national branches of NAMI.
Write letters to and access info on legislators!

Visit the Coalition for Persons Disabled by Mental Illness

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NAMI Orange County
Post Office Box 4201
Chapel Hill, NC 27515-4201
(919) 929-7822